On Hand Foil Colors:

Metallic Red 15-A

Metallic Pink

Baby Pink 39-K

Rose Gold 18-AR

Metallic Blue

Baby Blue 24-K

Mat Gold 18-A

Metallic Gold 18-AA

Mat Silver 19-Q

Metallic Silver 19-K

Mat Black 33-K

Shiny Black 33-A

White 30-K

October 2024:

I'm just getting started with this endeavor! Please contact me with any questions.

One line set-up with imprint $8

Two line set-up with imprint $16

Exact repeat of any set-up $2/each but MUST be done at the same time.

I have 4 font sets:

24pt Goudy Light

36pt Goudy Light (in photo CARVING PARTY)

24pt Goudy (in photo December 2017)

36pt Goudy Cursive

I use a Howard Imprinting Personalizer - Hot Foil Stamping Model 45. This small family business is based in Tampa, FL. Google their website if you want to learn more about the system I use.